Tuesday, February 27, 2018

North Schuylkill Board Meeting - February 21, 2018

The February public meeting of the North Schuylkill Board of School Directors was held on Wednesday, February 21, 2018 at 7:00pm.

All members were present with the exception of Suzanne O'Neil.

The meeting began with a presentation from members of the Pennsylvania School Board Association.

John E. Usalis of the Republican Herald put together a great write up on the presentation and the board's questions.

The minutes from the previous meetings were approved.

A motion was requested and approved for the financial reports and check registers.

A motion was requested and approved for the 2017 Real Estate Tax Reports to authorize the Business Manager to submit delinquent taxes to the Tax Claim Bureaus of Schuylkill and Columbia County for collection.

A motion was requested and approved the "Private Sale" of Parcel Property 04-19-0002.000 on which real estate taxes are delinquent.

A motion was requested and approved for the sale of Parcel Property 45-06-0081.000.

A motion was requested to authorize the Business Manager to open a CD with Mid Penn Bank for $178,029.68 at 1.60% retroactive to February 2nd, 2018 for the High School Activity Fund.  The motion was approved.

A motion was requested and approve the use of the School's Facilities for various events.

FMLA leave was requested and approved for Liza Ulceski, Assistant Secondary Principal (effective December 18, 2018) and Ashley Palubinsky, Assistant Supervisor of Special Education (Effective March 7, 2018).

A motion was requested to approve the Addendum to Agreement with S4Teachers LLC effective February 22, 2018.

A motion was requested and approved for medical sabbatical for Shawn Gibbons, a secondary health and physical education teaching, beginning February 20, 2018 through the end of the 2017-2018 School Year.  This motion was in accordance with the NSSD/NSEA Collective Bargaining Agreement and District Policies and Procedures.

A motion was requested and approved for the 2017-2018 School Calendar revisions necessitated by weather cancellations.

A motion was requested and approved for the requests from the North Schuylkill Elementary PTO for the  1st, 3rd, and 4th Grade field trips.

A motion was requested and approved, upon the receipt of all appropriate documentation, to hire Luke Lapotsky as an Assistant Softball Coach for the 2018 Season at a salary of $2,300.00.

A motion was requested and approved, upon the receipt of all appropriate documentation, to hire, Jamie Palmerio as an Assistant Softball Coach for the 2018 Season at a salary of $1,700.00.

A motion was requested and approved, upon the receipt of all appropriate documentation, to hire Janette Lukashunas as an Assistant Softball Coach for the 2018 Season at a salary of $2,150.00.

A motion was requested and approved, upon the receipt of all appropriate documentation, for the following individuals as Volunteer Softball Coaches for the 2018 Season:  Bob Holmes, Jack Marlow, Johanna Cappel, Dana Achenbach.

A motion was requested and approved, upon the receipt of all appropriate documentation, to hire Bob Moyer as an Assistant Track Coach for the 2018 Season at a salary of $6,288.00.

A motion was requested and approved, upon the receipt of all appropriate documentation, to hire Tony Chatkiewicz as an Assistant Track Coach for the 2018 Season at a salary of $3,800.00.

A motion was requested and approved, upon the receipt of all appropriate documentation, to hire Michael Russell as an Assistant Track Coach for the 2018 Season at a salary of $1,700.00.

A motion was requested and approved, upon the receipt of all appropriate documentation, to hire Frank Briggs as an Assistant Track Coach for the 2018 Season at a salary of $2,300.00.

A motion was requested and approved, upon the receipt of all appropriate documentation, to hire Michael Tomko as an Assistant Track Coach for the 2018 Season at a salary of $2,300.00.

A motion was requested and approved, upon the receipt of all appropriate documentation, to hire Mike Smith as an Assistant Track Coach for the 2018 Season at a salary of $1,550.00.

A motion was requested and approved, upon the receipt of all appropriate documentation, for the following individuals as Volunteer Track Coaches for the 2018 Season:  Tyler Mutchler, Theresa Holman.

A motion was requested and approved, upon the receipt of all appropriate documentation, to hire John Minalda as an Assistant Football Coach for the 2018 Fall Season at a salary of $4,100.00.

A motion was requested and approved, upon the receipt of all appropriate documentation, to hire Joe Tomtishen as an Assistant Football Coach for the 2018 Fall Season at a salary of $3,250.00.

A motion was requested and approved, upon the receipt of all appropriate documentation, to hire Marc Wislosky as an Assistant Football Coach for the 2018 Fall Season at a salary of $2,300.00.

A motion was requested and approved, upon the receipt of all appropriate documentation, to hire Jason Gawrylik as an Assistant Football Coach for the 2018 Fall Season at a salary of $1,850.00.

A motion was requested and approved, upon the receipt of all appropriate documentation, to hire Pete Stanakis as an Assistant Football Coach for the 2018 Fall Season at a salary of $2,300.00.

A motion was requested and approved, upon the receipt of all appropriate documentation, to hire Anthony Russo as an Assistant Football Coach for the 2018 Fall Season at a salary of $4,250.00.

A motion was requested and approved, upon the receipt of all appropriate documentation, to hire Carson Long as an Assistant Football Coach for the 2018 Fall Season at a salary of $1,000.00.

A motion was requested and approved, upon the receipt of all appropriate documentation, to hire Fred Kushwarra as an Assistant Football Coach for the 2018 Fall Season at a salary of $1,225.00.

Long and Kushwarra are splitting one paid position.

A motion was requested and approved, upon the receipt of all appropriate documentation, to hire Pat Cooney as a Junior High/Assistant Football Coach for the 2018 Fall Season at a salary of $1,700.

A motion was requested and approved, upon the receipt of all appropriate documentation, to hire Bob Giba as a Junior High/Assistant Football Coach for the 2018 Fall Season at a salary of $1,700.

A motion was requested and approved for the second reading of a Title 1 - Comparability of Services Policy.

A motion was requested and approved for the second reading of the District-Wide Title 1 Parent Involvement Policy as well as the Head Lice policy.

A motion was requested and approved for the resolution that the District Opposes the ESA Voucher Program (Senate Bill 2).

A motion was requested and approved for the resolution that the District Opposes the Pennsylvania School Board Association vs. Simon Campbell Law Suit.

A motion was requested and approved the first reading of the Food Services policy.

The next public board meeting is schedule for Wednesday, March 21, 2018.