Saturday, May 16, 2020

Mahanoy City Holds Parade to Celebrate as a Community

Since the COVID-19 pandemic began mid-March, special occasions and holidays have been difficult with social distancing guidelines, but Mahanoy City found a way to celebrate to together.

On Saturday, the Mahanoy City Fire Department held a Celebration Parade to help those celebrate recent and belated birthdays, anniversaries, and other occasions for those who may not have been able to go out and celebrate or have a party.

Some borough residents joined in on the festivities and hung balloons and signs from their porch.

The apparatus and members from all of Mahanoy City's Fire Department participated, as well as the Police Department, and some special guests from the Schuylkill County Fair Royalty as well as a local group that owns classic cars.

The parade wound through the borough up Centre Street, down Mahanoy Street, up Pine Street, and back down Market Street to finish.