Sunday, December 6, 2020

Local Groups Decorate Trees for the Schuylkill Christmas Gala

This past week, local groups prepared for the 13th annual Schuylkill Christmas Gala which was held this weekend.

The Gala which was hosted by the Pulaski Masons Lodge 216 in Pottsville was free to the public and featured homemade food, a model train display and featured Christmas Trees decorated by local community groups.  The event was held on the 5th floor of the Masonic Building.

The trees were donated by local Schuylkill County growers.  

A contest was held for best decorated tree with voting taking place at the event as well as online.

On Friday evening, the Synergy 16U Girls Softball Teams, one of the local groups volunteering their time to decorate a tree, was busy putting the finishing touches.

Coach Jeffrey Bowers said this was the 6th year that he used the event as a learning opportunity for his team.

"There’s more to what we do than just play softball. We like to teach our ladies the importance of giving back to a community that’s given us unwavering support for so many years." said Bowers.

Taking part in the decorating were team members Ava Bowers, Mia Artz, Maddie Carl, Mady Schwalm, and Mim Albertini.

After the event, the decorated trees are then donated to local families that are in need of a Christmas tree.

The event typically would include a program and a visit by Santa but due to COVID-19, that was not possible this year.

Check back with Skook News on the event from this past weekend.