Wednesday, May 28, 2014

COAL REGION CONNECTIONS: Recalling Your High School Memories (Manual Typewriters, lunch box and thermos, Slide rules)

By: Mark Marek, Coal Region Connections

How many "ol'-timers" remember the pictures below: desks with round holes in the upper right side...typing class with manual typewriters...lunch box & thermos...& slide rules? Before white boards, computers, TVs, & DVD players, we had blackboards with chalk, film strip & film projectors.

Couple Panther Valley HS memories I'll share: Mr. Gunsser's class-where you learned chemistry & local history & nobody wanted to leave when the bell rang; Mr. York's Earth & Space Science Class (I still can't remember all the names of all those rocks); Mr. D (Mr. Davidyock)-I still have & use my 9th grade American history notebook we used for his essay tests; & Mr. Harkins got me started in radio & journalism...I wish I had a dollar for every time I heard him use the word ANTICIPATE during basketball practices.

Now it's your turn to share a school memory. Maybe it was a certain class, sporting event, playoff game, or extracurricular club activity. This could be an elementary school, middle school, or high school memory...public school & private/parochial school. Tell us what school you attended & the year you graduated.

Lastly, I'd like to dedicate this post to the memory of our fellow classmates who have passed away down through the years. Unfortunately, as we all get older, that list will only get longer. Those dearly-departed classmates are not with us today to share their memories, but we will pause for a moment to let them know that we did not forget them.

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