Monday, August 19, 2019

Early Morning Fire in Ashland Chases Three from Home

An early morning fire chased three from a home in Ashland.

Just before 1:15am, emergency personnel were dispatched to 11 North 11th Street in Ashland for a House Fire with possible entrapment.  Everyone did make it out of the home safely.

Ashland Police were first on the scene and found heavy smoke coming from the rear of the home.

Fire crews from Ashland, Girardville, Mount Carmel, Gordon, Altamont, and Englewood responded to the scene and found fire in the basement of the home.

The fire was under control within the first half hour of arrival but remained on scene for almost an hour and half before clearing.

The American Red Cross is assisting the family of three that was living in the home.

A State Police Fire Marshal has been called to investigate the cause.

Fire police from Mount Carmel and Gordon also assisted at the scene.