Thursday, July 16, 2020

Ashland Hires Three Part-Time Police Officers; Fire Chief Talks About Fireworks and Opening Burning in the Borough

On Wednesday, July 8th, 2020, the borough of Ashland held their monthly council meeting.

All council members and borough officials were in attendance.

During regular business, a repository sale was approved for 308 Walnut Street, and a letter was read and approved to allow the Ashland Rotary to hold a concert at the Good Shepherd Church on August 19th, 2020.  That motion was approved.

A letter was also read from the Ringtown Valley Fire Company requesting Fire Police for the Schuylkill County Fireman's Convention Parade which will be held in Ringtown on August 22nd, 2020.  The motion was approved.

Under new business, Borough Chief of Police Ger Daley requested to hire three additional part-time police officers for the borough.  Council approved to hire Joseph Wehrer, Todd Ohlin, and Cody Searfoss.

Council Member Kaity Korn and Patti Wesner talked about the Crossfire Youth visiting the borough on July 8th, 9th, and 10th to clean up Oakland Park as well as Centre Street.

Fire Chief Phil Groody spoke and urged council to think about a fireworks ordinance for the borough next year.

"It's no big secret, we just went through the fourth of July.  For the well being and safety of our residents, we have to spread the word to these people that are using "technically legal" fireworks in the incorrect manner.  The law states that they must be 150 feet from an occupied building.  They were setting off aerial devices all over this town right next to buildings.  I will caution everyone, we were very lucky that we did not have a nasty roof fire somewhere.  I got lots of reports of rocket sticks on top of buildings and on tops of cars.  Our own firehouse included."  said Groody.

Groody said there is a strong move in Harrisburg for the fireworks law to be repealed.  He spoke directly to council, that if the law isn't repealed, that the council has the authority to regulate the use of fireworks in the borough.

"I ask that you put that in the back of your minds for next year that when the fourth of July comes around that we caution people about it". Groody said in closing.

Groody also reported that the borough and himself are receiving complaints of people "opening burning" in the borough.

Groody wanted to remind residents of the borough about Ordinance #823 that prohibits open burning of materials of any type within the borough.  Groody also stated that in Article 3 of the ordinance that residents cannot have a fire of any type on a sidewalk.

Groody noted that within the past 2 months, there were two barbeque fires that occurred on sidewalks within the borough.

Groody did note that "gas fire" pits are allowed because it is not considered an open fire.

An executive session was held by the council members prior to adjournment.