Friday, April 16, 2021

Crews Prepare Centralia to Plant 250 Apple Trees on Saturday

On Saturday, volunteers will be in Centralia to help plant hundreds of trees in an effort to spruce up the  town and develop wildlife.

Crews were in the community on Thursday digging holes in the abandoned areas for the 250 trees that will be planted this weekend.

The Eastern Pennsylvania Coalition for Abandoned Mine Reclamation is organizing the event with funding by the ISI and Mental Insight Foundation.

Keystone 10 Million Trees Partnership will also be donating to the event.

The trees will be planted with Groasis Growboxxes.

The boxes are biodegradable and helps conserve water by creating a barrier to hold the water near the plant roots.

Pollinators are also planned to be planted in order to attract butterflies.

Anyone wishing to help volunteer for the event can sign up at