Thursday, July 7, 2016

Schuylkill County Grown Contest

To expand upon the new “Schuylkill Grown” product promotion, the Chamber of Commerce, Ag Committee and the Schuylkill County Fair is excited to announce that the second Schuylkill Grown Cooking Contest will be held during the Schuylkill County Fair. 

The contest is set for Wednesday, August 3 at 6 PM. This contest exemplifies this year’s theme at the Schuylkill County Fair as the fair them is “We have good things growing.” There are a lot of good things grown in Schuylkill County. The Ag committee hopes that this will be one of many contests at the Fair to come that promote Schuylkill County Grown products.

The Schuylkill County Grown program is designed to promote locally grown produce and other farm market products, such as milk, eggs, and even Christmas trees. Many people today are very interested in where their food comes from and how it is produced or grown. This program offers a way for producers and businesses to mark those products that are grown right here in Schuylkill County.

The contest itself will be held on Wednesday, August 3 stating at 6 PM. The contest will be held under the south-east overhang of the Main Exhibit Hall. The competition is open to both youth and adult. As there are two categories open the public to participate in. The youth category is for those individuals under 18 years of age to prepare a quick bread and bring to the Fairgrounds to be judged ready to serve. A quick bread can be done in the form of a loaf, muffin or biscuit. The adult category is a soup. Again the adult is to prepare a

soup and bring it to the Fairgrounds ready to serve. The main rule for both categories is that each entry must contain at least three items that were grown in Schuylkill County. These could be items form a local farm market, retail store, or from your own garden. In both categories the recipe must provide a family size serving. Each exhibitor must provide their own ingredients and cookware to serve. The Fair will only provide table and electrical hoop up. Exhibitors must have their product in place and ready to serve to the Judges by 6:15 PM.

If you would like to test your cooking skills, or you know someone who would be interested, come on out and show off your talents at the Schuylkill county gown cooking contest. Prizes will be awarded to the top three entries in each category.

To enter the contest or for more information, please contact Melissa Seigfried at the Schuylkill conservation District at 570.622.3742 ext.111 or via email at More information can also be found by visiting the Fair’s web. Exhibitors are asked to pre- register for this contest by July 30 with the fair by calling 570.622.3742 ext. 111. Interested participants may also pre- register for this contest by visiting the Fair’s web site at and fill out the general entry form found in this PDF document and mail it to the address on the form.

The contest is designed to showcase Schuylkill Grown Products. The product exhibited by the participant must have a minimum of 3 Schuylkill County Grown ingredients. These three ingredients may be grown by the exhibitor or purchased from a Schuylkill County Grower. The recipe for the soup or the quick bread that accompanies the product must have the Schuylkill Grown product highlighted in the ingredient portion of the recipe list. A list of Schuylkill Grown providers can be found on the Fair’s website at . A panel of Judges will determine the winner based upon taste and presentation. Additional points will be awarded for each “Schuylkill Grown” ingredient above the minimal number of 3.

Come participate or encourage a friend to participate in the “Schuylkill Grown” Cooking Contest to be held during the Schuylkill County Fair, August 1 through 6, 2016. Contest is slated for Wednesday, August 3 at 6 PM under the south-east overhang of the main exhibit hall.

Schuylkill County Fair runs August 1 – 6 where “We have good things growing.” 33 years and growing better with each year. For more information about the Fair visit the fair web site at or follow us on twitter and like us on Facebook.