Saturday, October 27, 2018

Future Teachers Hone Skills at North Schuylkill Elementary

On Friday at North Schuylkill Elementary, Bloomsburg University students were able to sharpen their teaching skills in front of a classroom.

The reading day is annual tradition, which was started in 2013, where college students visit the 4th, 5th, and 6th Graders to use the skills they learned as part of their Department of Exceptionality Program.  For some university students, this is their first time in front of an actual classroom.

The college students were each given a children's book to develop a lesson plan from.

The day is coordinated between Bloomsburg University Professor Kali Fedor and North Schuylkill Elementary's Title I reading specialists Anne Tarantelli, Beth Huntsinger, and Megan Gierka.