Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Shenandoah Volunteers Paint Helmet to Show Support for Leiby

A group of volunteers in Shenandoah repainted their Devils helmet at a intersection in the borough to show their support for North Schuylkill's Jaden Leiby.

An annual tradition in the borough of Shenandoah is the painting of the Shenandoah Valley Football Helmet at the intersection of Main and Centre Streets in the borough, prior to the start of the football season.  The painting of the helmet is organized by Bill Moyer of Shenandoah.

On Tuesday, the Devils' season came to end after bowing out of the District XI tournament, Moyer and a group of volunteers converted the helmet to a North Schuylkill helmet and painted a #6 on it.

When posting a photo of their work to Facebook, Moyer said "From the Shenandoah Valley School District and all of Shenandoah we send Prayers for Jaden and support him by painting our helmet North Schuylkill colors get well soon."

Leiby was injured last Friday in the Spartans matchup with the Pottsville Crimson Tide.  During a tackle in the 3rd quarter, Leiby broke his neck and has been hospitalized.

Since Leiby got hurt, he has received messages of support, dedications, and prayers from all around Schuylkill County and beyond.


This story is brought to you by the

Schuylkill Community Education Council