Monday, August 31, 2020

Schuylkill County First Responders Recognized for Service and Honor Those Who Lost Their Lives

On Sunday, after not being able to hold the 2020 Volunteer Firefighters' Association Convention, Schuylkill County still figured out a way to recognize first responders and remember those who lost their lives in the line of duty.

On July 30th, the Schuylkill County Firefighters' Association  announced the cancellation of the 2020 Volunteer Firefighters' Association Convention due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

The cancellation not only left the event's host, the Ringtown Valley Fire Company, with a loss of money due to expenses, but the fire service of Schuylkill County was not able to honor their LODD's (Line of Duty Deaths) with their annual service which has been a tradition for 65 years.

As the Volunteer Firefighters' Association President, David Sattizahn stated "Like always, the fire service of Schuylkill County overcomes every obstacle thrown at us and COVID-19 is just another one of those obstacles".

The fire association, Schuylkill County Police Association came up with the idea to incorporate a procession where everyone socially distanced, but also still hold a service and recognize first responders.

At 5:00pm Sunday, companies willing to participate were asked to meet at Martz Hall in Pottsville.  

About 70 fire apparatus, ems, and police responded and filled the parking lot.

At 6:00pm, a special service was broadcast by Rev. Crawford and Msgr. William Glosser from the Schuylkill County Emergency Operations Center and was broadcast over a special operation channel and that was able to be listened to by all the apparatus via radio.

The procession honored the those from across the country, as well as within Schuylkill County,  who lost their lives while on duty.

Ringtown Valley then led a silent procession of the apparatus through Pottsville which included an archway on Centre Street and led to the Nativity BVM High School.

The apparatus rounded the school to the front, where Pastor Christ Rothharpt (Trinity Lutheran Church, Pottsville), Father Edward B. Connolly (Pastor Emeritus, of Girardville), Fr. Barnabas Shayo (St. Patrick's Church, Pottsville), Brad Harris (Envoy of the Pottsville Salvation Army), and Monsignor Edward J. O'Connor of Pottsville, blessed the apparatus after they passed by.

Special thanks were given to Firefighters' Association, the Schuylkill County Commissioners, the Ringtown Valley Fire and Rescue Co., Pottsville Fire Department, Pottsville Area School District, Schuylkill County Department of Public Safety, Schuylkill County EMS partners, Schuylkill County Police partners, and Schuylkill County Fire Chiefs Association, as well as Nativity BVM High School for helping organize the event.

Photos by J. Reed/Skook News and Jocelyn Blum/Danie Mae Photography