Monday, December 7, 2020

Mahanoy City Elks Holds Memorial Service to Remember the Departed

On Sunday, the Mahanoy City Elks recognized members that have passed away.

The Order of the Elks has decreed the first Sunday in December be set apart for Elks to gather to remember their departed with a Memorial Service in their honor.
According to Linda Fetter, Exalted Ruler, the Mahanoy City Lodge has been fortunate as not to have anyone pass this year but held the service to honor the memory of all fellow Elks who have entered into the realm of eternity.

Pictured are officers of the lodge following the service: Kathy Wufsus, Trustee; Frank Fetter, Treasurer; Jerry Kufrovich, PDD, Esquire; Ron Blum, Lecturing Knight, Linda Fetter, Exalter Ruler; Nancy Boyle, PER, Trustee; Bill Seibert, Tiler.

Each was asked to light a candle in honor of someone special who had passed in previous years from the lodge.

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