Monday, December 14, 2020

Mahanoy City Elks/Mahanoy Area School District Partner to Provide Christmas Gifts

Multiple groups in the Mahanoy City area came together to make sure all children had a gift to open on Christmas.

Each year the Mahanoy City Elks Lodge holds a party for the underprivileged children in the local schools; however, due to the pandemic, a party was unable to be held for 2020 due to COVID-19.

The members of the Elks were not going to let these children miss out on a gift from Santa.

Dr. Joie Green, Superintendent of the Mahanoy Area School District and also an Elks Member, brought both groups together and worked with the district's PTO to provide a special Christmas gift to 66 students.

The gifts included something from Scentsy gifts, as well pencils, pencil sharpeners, notepad, scratch art, bell necklace, games, candy canes, crayons, slime, flashlight, slap bracelets, and other fun items.

Green also had sponsors that helped purchase a pair of gloves and bag of gadgets for all.

Each of the gifts was packaged and labeled “from Santa”. 

"Thank you everyone for your support! What a great way to celebrate the Holiday season of giving." said Linda Fetter, Exalted Ruler of the Mahanoy City Elks Lodge No. 695.

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