Thursday, May 13, 2021

North Schuylkill Elementary PTO to Hold Basket Raffle This Saturday

On Saturday, May 15, 2021, North Schuylkill Elementary PTO will hold their annual Basket Raffle from 10am to 5pm at the North Schuylkill Youth Soccer Association Field on Airport Road outside Gordon, Pa.
This year’s event will feature hundreds of prizes, including the Grand Prize which is a Trailmaster 200X 4-person UTV. Also new this year, the addition of food trucks, which will be located in the adjoining parking lot at Christ’s United Lutheran Church. Food trucks expected include Da Pit Texas BBQ, Butch’s Smokehouse Fixx, La Casita de Familia, Full Throttle and Chill Out Ice Cream Parlor.

“We are really excited for this year’s event,” shared PTO board president Alexandra Trexler. “After the disappointment of canceling last year due to the pandemic, we are looking forward to welcoming everyone. We’ve had so many people reaching out during the year to ask if we would be holding our raffle.”

The event had to be moved to an outdoor venue this year. “We are so thankful for the support of the local community, especially the North Schuylkill Youth Soccer Association and Christ’s United Lutheran Church,” said Deb Hubler, event chairman. “Both have graciously allowed us use of their properties for the event. Additionally, the support of local businesses, organizations and community members, as well as our students and their families, providing donations has been overwhelming. The Grade-Level baskets assembled from student and teacher donations are incredible.”

The event will feature various categories of prizes, including regular, medium and large, plus the grand prize. Additionally, there is an area dedicated to North Schuylkill Elementary students. Current NSE students who attend the raffle will receive a sheet of tickets that they can use for the student-only and regular prizes. Prizes include gift cards, variety of merchandise, lottery tickets and passes to local and not so local attractions. Large prizes include a Nintendo Switch bundle, Apple Watch, Cricut bundle, fine jewelry, 50” Smart TV, a Blackstone Grill, and much more. Prize previews are featured on the event Facebook page: North Schuylkill Elementary PTO Basket Raffle.

The NSE PTO raises funds to support and supplement student programming at the school. In the past, this has included providing funds for field trips, in-school and family educational programs, and end of year carnival, as well as other needs presented by the administration. The pandemic has changed the manner the support is provided, but has not changed the overall purpose. This year the group purchased touchless water bottle fill stations for the school and classroom supplies for every student, and is providing funds for end of year classroom fun days.