Wednesday, July 19, 2023

Frackville Area Municipal Authority Secures $1.2 Million Loan for Sewer Repairs

The Frackville Area Municipal Authority (FAMA) has successfully secured a low-interest loan of $1,215,000 to undertake a critical infrastructure project. 

The funds will be utilized to replace the aging Fireman's Road Pump Station, as announced by Sen. Dave Argall (R-29) and Rep. Tim Twardzik (R-123).

The current pump station, having reached the end of its useful life, has necessitated this much-needed upgrade. The proposed solution involves the installation of new gravity sewer mains, which will facilitate the smooth flow of water to the existing treatment plant. This upgrade is anticipated to not only enhance environmental conditions but also bolster economic development within the community.

Senator Dave Argall expressed his gratitude, stating, "I'm thankful that Frackville has been awarded this highly competitive state funding to complete this key project. Keeping sewer infrastructure up to date is important for keeping a community safe and healthy."

Rep. Tim Twardzik added, "FAMA's project to replace a currently deteriorating pump station with a system that will service the area primarily by gravity is a long-desired environmental improvement and will also enhance economic development in the municipalities that make up this community. I joined Sen. Argall in wholeheartedly supporting the loan application and applaud the authority's decision to seek state assistance for a project that's going to be of great benefit to its customers."

The upgraded sewer system will redirect water that previously went to the pump station along Fireman's Road to Industrial Road, effectively connecting it to the existing system. This project encompasses the placement of over 2,000 feet of l0-inch sanitary sewer lines, 11 manholes, 1,100 feet of low-pressure sewer line, two grinder pumps, lateral connections, and the removal of the existing pump station.

The loan was awarded by PENNVEST, a funding agency that supports sewer, storm water, and drinking water projects across Pennsylvania. With the financial backing secured, the Frackville Area Municipal Authority is poised to proceed with the essential infrastructure upgrade, benefiting both the environment and the community it serves.

Upon completion, the new sewer mains will not only improve water management but also foster sustainable development in the region.