Friday, July 28, 2017

Schuylkill County Cheers On Joe Snedaker for Go Joe 20

Schuylkill County was out Friday to cheer on Joe Snedaker as he passed through as part of Go Joe 20.

WNEP's  Annual Fundraiser with Meteorologist Joe Snedeker, who rides his bike to raise money for the Saint Joseph Center, made stops in Schuylkill County on Thursday and Friday.

Everywhere Joe went today, there was a crowd of people cheering him on.  Whether it was, a cars honking as they drove by, kids standing along the road signs, or just there to give a high five.

Joe's bike ride entered our area Thursday when he rode into Coaldale and into Tamaqua.

After Tamaqua, Joe went through Middleport, New Philadelphia, Cumbola and Port Carbon. His final stop for the day, Thursday was in St. Clair at Borough Hall.

On Friday, Joe started out in front of Boscovs at the Fairlane Mall, where he headed south on 61 into Pottsville, north on Seltzer Road into Minersville, then up Route 901, through Lavelle to Mount Carmel in Northumberland County for Noon.

After a lunch break, Joe headed back into Schuylkill County where he will took Route 54 through Ashland, Girardville, Shenandoah, Mahanoy City, to Brandonville then north back into Luzerne County.

Below are some photos sent from our followers as made his way through Schuylkill County.