Monday, April 29, 2019

Public Open House Tuesday Night at No. 9 Mine Museum in Lansford

A public Open House and Reception will be held Tuesday night April 30 from 6 to 9 PM at the No. 9 Coal Mine and Museum on West Dock Street in Lansford.

The Open House and Reception will allow the public free admission to the Museum to see the many new exhibits created and learn about all the great things underway at No. 9 Coal Mine and Museum since its reorganization and new leadership four months ago.

Refreshments, snacks and other goodies will be provided. The public will be able to meet the new President, officers, directors and staff of No. 9 Mine and its parent non-profit organization, the Panther Creek Valley Foundation.

The public will be able to learn about the reorganization that has taken place, the many repairs being done in the mine for visitor safety, check out the many new exhibits in the mining museum, browse the expanded gift shop, learn about the expanded schedule of operation, and our special events on the grounds this year. No. 9 Coal Mine and Museum is located at 9 West Dock Street in Lansford and there is plenty of free parking.