Saturday, March 21, 2020

North Schuylkill Serves Almost 3,000 Meals to Students

On Friday, like many school districts in the county, North Schuylkill began distributing food to their students while schools are closed for the Coronavirus pandemic.

According to North Schuylkill Superintendent Robert Ackell, district employees and Nutrition Group employees prepared 2,970 "Grab-n-Go" meals for area students.  The meals were prepared to help keep their students fed Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.

Each student received a breakfast and a lunch for all three days. 495 students received a bag.

The food was distributed with the help of three volunteer fire companies, the Washington Fire Company in Ashland, Ranger's Hose Company in Girardville, and the Goodwill Fire Company in Frackville.

Within the first 10 minutes, most of the food had been distributed. Administration and cafeteria workers, immediately went back to make more meals, to make sure that everyone in line, received a bag.

The distribution of meals will continue on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, at all three locations, from 11:00am to 12:00pm. Any student who is taking a bag, please leave immediately. You may not stay to eat, play or socialize.

Story and Photos by J. Reed