Monday, May 11, 2020

Mahanoy City Police Warn Residents About Package Thieves

The Mahanoy City Police Department is warning it's residents after someone attempted to steal a package from a front porch over the weekend.

According to Mahanoy City Police Chief Mark Wiekrykas, on Sunday, May 10th, 2020 around 3:20pm, in the 600 Block of East Center Street, residents reported observing people who exited a parked vehicle and attempted to remove a package that had been delivered to a neighbor’s house. 

The thieves left the package behind and fled the area after neighbors approached the them. Police are following several leads provided by neighbors that should lead to identifying the suspects involved.

Residents are asked to be watchful for such activity in their neighborhoods, and whenever possible, consider delivery to a location where someone can receive packages and keep them secure.