Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Home Damaged by Fire near Girardville

A home was damaged by fire Tuesday morning in the Homesville section of Butler Township near Girardville.

At 5:42am, emergency personnel were called to 323 Homesville Road, Butler Township for a working house fire.  Even though the property's address was Homesville Road, the home was directly along West Mahanoy Avenue.

According to Girardville Fire Chief Frank Zangari, who was first on-scene, reported that a passerby saw smoke coming from the home and went to a firehouse in Girardville to pull the fire alarm.

Fire personnel from Girardville, Ashland, Fountain Springs, Lavelle, and Shenandoah responded to the scene to fight the fire and for their tankers as well as ambulances from Ashland and Shenandoah.

The fire was brought under control within the hour and caused extensive damage to the home.

Chief Zangari reported that the owner of the home was not home at the time and believed the fire started in the first floor kitchen and spread up the rear of the home.

The cause of the fire is still under investigation.

By 8:00am, units began clearing the scene.

High Road/West Mahanoy Avenue/Route 54 was closed while crews were on the scene.