Thursday, September 14, 2023

Ashland Borough Council Pays Tribute to Former Mayor

During Wednesday's Borough Council Meeting in Ashland, a special resolution was passed paying tribute to a former Mayor who recently passed.

Council Member John (Jack) Reilly brought up the recent passing of Rosemarie Noon, a former Mayor, who was also known as "The Mother of Ashland".

Noon passed away on August 31st, 2023, at the age of 89.

Noon has been appointed to Mayor following the passing of her husband, Mayor Norbert Noon in 1995.  Noon would go on to serve out her husband's term, and get reelected twice before leaving the position in 2005.

"While her husband was sick, she did most of the duties of her husband until in passing.  We thought she had her fill of the position and boy were we wrong." Reilly stated.

"She was a great lady, and did a lot for the community.  The guys on the police force were like her sons.  I would ask Mr. President if we could hold a moment of silence." Reilly added.

Before a moment of silence could be held, Borough Solicitor Jack Price, who also served as solicitor during her term, added that he has prepared a resolution to honor former Mayor Noon.

The resolution read "Recognizing the contribution of the Honorable Rosemarie Noon upon her death.  Borough Council and the Borough of Ashland wishes to recognize the service of the Honorable Rosemarie Noon, Mayor of Ashland, from 1995 to 2005.

Borough Council recalls the gratitude service to the Borough of Ashland by Mayor Noon and her outstanding contributions to the borough.  The Borough Council expresses thanks for her selfless service, sadness at her death, and extends to her family sympathy and appreciation of the Borough Council."

The resolution was met with a round of applause by everyone in attendence.