Wednesday, January 2, 2019

PA State Police Issue Alert about "White Van Scam"

The Pennsylvania State Police have issued an alert to remind residents of the resurgence of the "White Van Scam".

The scam involves the sale of electronic home theater good from the back of an SUV or van.

The con typically involves individuals selling "expensive high-end" home theater equipment (speakers, projectors, etc.) out of their vehicle at a significantly discounted price.  The equipment is typically cheap, because, generally, it is poor-quality imitations of name-brand items.

Police say the scammers often target moderately trafficked areas such as shopping centers, gas stations, and bank parking lots.

They typically approach inviduals using a fictitious backstory indicating they are selling expensive high-end equipment becaus they have too much inventory or have extra units from a recent job they need to get rid of quickly.

In an attempt to mislead the buyer, the equipment's brand name is often similar to well-known manufacturers.  The merchandise is normally in original packaging with professional looking imagery and marketing materials including an MSRP price tag and buzzwords such as "4K", "High-Resolution Audio", and "High Wattage Numbers".

The white van scam has also infiltrated the internet with scammers presenting online store-fronts, "official" Facebook pages, Craiglists ads, and eBay accounts to advertise and peddle their goods.  Be aware that the online store-fronts are meant to help legitimize the shoddy products and high MSRP prices when customers look them up online.  For example, a storefront or eBay listing may display a "high-end" MSRP price of $2,500 for one item but another listing will drastically mark it down to around $300.

Recommendations to avoid the White Van Scam

 - Remain hypervigilant if approached by an individual selling merchandize out of their vehicle
 - Google or internet search the company name or description of the situation, and add the word "scam" at the end before searching
 - Be aware that brand names may sound similar to well-known and regarded manufacturers
 - Ask the seller very specific questions about the product, origin, brand
 - Do not fell pressured to succumb to the seller's urgency to purchase immediately
 - Closely inspect the merchandize before buying
 - If it seems too good to be true, it probably is
 - When shopping online, use a credit card rather than a debit card, credit cards give you much greater consumer protection if your information is stolen


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