Thursday, June 15, 2023


Skook News and People of Skook met up with Trevor's Lemonade for our next edition of "Businesses of the Skook".

“I started my Lemonade stand a few years ago, I wanted to make my own money and have fun doing it. I’m 11 and going into the sixth grade, but still wanted to try it, about three years ago I came up with the idea. I try to come out at least every other week during the summer. I try to come down every weekend and do this with my Dad.

There was some stuff going on and the community, and they really came together and rallied for me, and helped me get my Lemonade stand going and it was awesome. I was upset, and didn’t want to do it anymore, and that gave me the extra push to keep going.

We have flavors including passion fruit, mango, strawberry, orangeade, limeade, we are always trying to find new stuff. If we can we are going to do a winter thing with hot chocolate, we only did it once but I think we are going to try it again this year.”

Trevor’s Dad added “When the community rallied around Trevor it bought tears to my eyes. I’ve never seen anything like it, he’s just a normal kid. He doesn’t need or ask for anything from anyone, and everyone came together and helped him, and he just kept going. When we put the stand up, he’s great and works hard.

Next Saturday we are going to be at the Pottsville outdoor market. We’ve been invited to a couple charitable events, whenever we get invited, we try to go. They support us, so we of course want to support them right back!

As for advice to others, we learned that it’s all about community. For example, sometimes when we have leftovers, we try to donate the lemonade to the local women’s shelter, or someone who needs it.”

Follow Trevor's Lemonade through his Facebook page at

Photos by Jocelyn Barrett /People of Skook/Danie Mae Photography LLC