Thursday, November 23, 2023

Early Morning Fire Destroys Garages and Damages Home in New Ringgold

Firefighters responded the scene of an early morning fire in New Ringgold.

Around 3:45am, Thursday, emergency personnel were called to the scene of a garage fire near the intersection of Royer Street and Reeser Street in New Ringgold.

As firefighters arrived on scene, they encountered two well involved garage threatening two nearby homes.

The fire struck a 2nd alarm calling in additional manpower and water sources.

The garages were completely destroyed, one home sustained fire damage after flames spread to it, and at least one home sustained exterior damage.

A fire marshal was called to the scene to investigate a cause.

Early reports were squatters were believed to live in the garage.

Firefighters were on scene several hours and cleared around 7:30am.

Video submitted by Scott Spohn