Monday, May 13, 2024

Mahanoy Area Chamber of Commerce Celebrates Mothers at Annual Dinner

The Mahanoy Area Chamber of Commerce hosted its annual dinner on May 9th, 2024 at the Mahanoy City Elks, honoring the remarkable mothers of the community aged 70 and above. 

Sponsored by Service Electric and M&T Bank, the event was a celebration of maternal wisdom, love, and resilience.

At the heart of the event were the mothers who have reached the incredible milestone of 90 years. 

Seated at the head table, they were the esteemed guests of honor.

The evening with a meal, courtesy of Francesco’s Restaurant from Shenandoah.

As the mothers enjoyed their feast, they enjoyed music from Matthew Reed.

Adding to the event, the ladies were treated to a photo shoot with the photographer Lisa Cambra.

Pictured Left - Right
Front Row- Miriam Bowman (94), Carolyn Maurey (98)

Back row- Chamber President Jeff Bowers, Event Organizer & Chamber Treasurer Dawn Frye, Event Organizer Rose Kern, Rev Craig Zimmerman