On Tuesday, March 21st, 2023, the Mahanoy City Elks Lodge No. 695 honored students from Mahanoy Area School District who were winners from their Americanism and Drug Awareness Programs. Those competing went on to district competition. The lodge had 2 students who also went on to win at state competition.
(Americanism Essay Awards) (Pictured Above)5th Grade, Division I:
- Sophia Martorell, 1st Place
- Ryleigh Wonsock, 2nd Place;
- (not pictured Jake Headley 3rd Place)
6th Grade, Division II:
- Kendall Kardisco, 1st Place
- Emma Manley, 2nd Place
- Jayden Polonco, 3rd Place
8th Grade, Division IV
- Samantha Price, 3rd Place;
- (not pictured Braylon Komosinsky, 1st place and Benjamin Lagaza, 2nd place)
Division III, Grade 7:
- Rheanna Gordon, 1st Place
- Alexandra Bet, 2nd Place
- Brooke Hornung, 3rd Place
(Drug Awareness Poster and Essay Awards)First Row: Jax Wowak (Poster), 3rd Grade, Nilda Rivera (Poster), 5th Grade, Mavis Trakes (Essay), 3rd Grade, Allison Kencht (Poster), 4th Grade,
Second Row: Linda Fetter, ER; Soctt Phillips and Fred Klock, Co-Chairman of Drug Awareness Committee. (Not pictured Jenna El Gamil, 8th Grade winner (Essay)
(State Winners)
Jax Wowak - State Winner of Drug Awareness Poster Contest (not pictured Jenna El Gamil - State winner of Essay Contest-8th Grade)
Jax and Jenna have been invited to the PA Elks State Convention in May in Harrisburg to be presented their awards.