Friday, August 12, 2022

One Flown After Fall at A-Hole near Girardville

A man was flown with injuries after a fall at a stripping pit near Girardville on Friday afternoon.

Around 4:30pm, the Girardville Fire Department was called for an off road rescue in the area of the A-Hole, a water filled stripping pit that is popular for swimming.

Radio reports stated a male fell from a cliff and was injured.

The fire department requested assistance from Englewood Fire for their ATV.

Approximately an hour after the call, firefighters brought the victim to a waiting Shenandoah Ambulance who then transporting him to Lifeflight at the Girardville Baseball Field.

The identity of the victim and his condition was not available as of this posting.

Responding to the scene were the Girard Hose Company, Rangers Hose Company, Friendship Fire Company from Englewood, and the Butler Township Police.

Additional personnel from both the Girard and Rangers handled the landing zone.